Foundations Parking Police



We are the Foundations Parking Police.

Mission Statement: Our goal is to demonstrate specific improper parking situations on a college campus and to document vehicle owner’s reactions to the Parking Violation “tickets” that we will place on the windshields on improper parkers. We will dress in black as we patrol the McLane parking lot and place these tickets on those vehicles. We are aiming to make people more considerate of other drivers because your carelessness and inability to park correctly could become an inconvenience for another person. Seeing as college campus’s have very limited parking in the first place, parking within your lines and out of the way of others could make a difference for the other person, as well as whether you will have to pay a legitimate fine or not. 

Many tickets that we placed on vehicles we left hoping that they would read through the violation on the back and think about how they have parked. Here is an example of one of our tickets that we were placing on those who participated in “asshole parking”. 




We went around the McLane parking lot placing these tickets on vehicles that we felt were parked improperly. 



However, not everyone who received a ticket was given a warning. Those who parked well were rewarded with a green tickets and a piece of candy. Those who parked within their lines, gave enough room for others and took consideration in other people were rewarded. 



Unable to confront anyone directly about their tickets, we were faced with some rather negative reactions from those who received our tickets. We waited for an hour for people  to come out to their cars but in that time only two people came out and their reactions were negative and shocked. One person threw the ticket on the ground after crumpling it, The other took it and handed it to the passenger to read while looking angry and annoyed and drove of quickly. So we may have not been able to reinforce all of our parking regulations, but hopefully someone took it into consideration instead of throwing it on the ground. 



We were able to find many vehicles who were parking improperly. Whether it be parking outside of the lines, crooked, or just not in a parking space at all!



It can be clearly seen that this poor parker was not parked correctly within his/her lines.

ImageThis parker avoided parking in the lines as well, and in a very crooked manner at that! Rest assured, he was ticketed. 



Another parker taking advantage of the extra space he was give, taking up two spaces with could have gone to another parker. 



This parker believed that they could leave their vehicle in an area which clearly dictates, “No Parking Any Time”. 



This may have been by far our worst example for a parker. Not only did they block off others who could easily have pulled out or backed out, but they were not even in a space! They just threw their vehicle in this area and left, hopefully they were welcomed with a ticket when they came back. 



This poor parker decided that they could take up two-three spots with their vehicle by parking horizontally in vertical parking spaces. Shame on them! 



Now that the McLane loop is off limits to all vehicles, we felt that these two vehicles needed a little warning ticket so they were aware of this for the next time. Image


We were not the only law enforcement that were patrolling the McLane lot! In some cases, Campus PD was able to get to the vehicles before we even could! We still ticketed them, hoping that two would be enough to shake them into reality. 

So there you have it! The Foundations Parking Police have reached their goal, we have made people aware of their good or bad parking habits. Although everyone had different reactions, hopefully they took these “tickets” into considerations for the next time they park. No one likes an “asshole parker!”